Uncle Neil's Mustard is the start of our wholesale line, and we are eager to share the good news as we develop more products. Uncle Neil's Mustard has been in chef Katie Kidder’s family for years.


What’s In A Name?

Uncle Neil was my godfather and such a wonderful man. The recipe came from his lips to many in our family and his close friends; however, the real secret is the story behind the name. One of his real estate clients, who loved my uncle, gave him the recipe and told him to keep it close to his heart. He shared it with my mother, and it received another name….. Mumford's Mustard, after my mother. The Mustard has different titles with different people, and I love having it stay with me as Uncle Neil's Mustard, one of the best men I had ever known, who was taken from us far too early in his life.

I know you will agree and love our Mustard too. It's perfect in the 4oz jars on a charcuterie cheese board. The 8oz is a great addition to your fridge and excellent on fish, poultry, lamb, sausage, and much more. It's fantastic with a warm, soft pretzel, too—all pretzels.



Where to Find Uncle Neil’s Mustard

You can find Uncle Neil's Mustard at Morning Glory Farm, Soigne, Black Sheep, and coming soon to a few more shops on Island, as well as Formaggio in Boston. It's featured at Alchemy Bar and Bistro and the Charlotte Inn, both restaurants in Edgartown, Massachusetts.

If you want to learn more about our Mustard and upcoming products, please email us at hello@thechappykitchen.com.

As always, Happy Eating!


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